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  • Writer's pictureHarsha Josephine

What we can learn from plants

Updated: Feb 25, 2020

Plants are one of the beautiful creations that we can see around us. It's sad that we sometimes fail to see the beauty of these beautiful creations. A cactus is as beautifully and wonderfully made just as a rose, but we only look at the it's dark side (I'd rather say that because a negative point paves way to a dark side).

Is there anything we have learned from them till this date?? Think about the last time you spent your time around plants or gardening.. It must be a tiring but spending some quality time with them might help each and everyone of us to grow in some part.

A huge storm might arise or dangerous chemicals may affect the tree but what does it do? The roots grow deeper and thicker, hence the tree becomes stronger. When we face difficulties and problems, we are usually let down and become disappointed (if you guys don't feel that, then you guys are great! 😊).

As Napoleon Hill said, ‘Strength and growth come only through continuous effort and struggle.’ None of us are immune from challenging times. We can be encouraged, however, that struggles have the potential to make us stronger.

A plant never sets limits like 'I'll stop growing after I reach a certain height'. We set limitations on ourselves and our capabilities that hinder our potential. Never set limitations and try to go up high with hardwork and determination.

We all are unique. We cannot please everyone everyday. Let's be thankful for the plants and the valuable lessons they teach. Whether grown indoors or outdoors, plants do us a world of good.

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